Category: Home

Best Electric Toothbrush Not Made in China

Best Electric Toothbrush Not Made in China

The big two electric toothbrush makers can’t seem to keep one foot out of China. Make sure you buy ones not made in China, or try new technology that may beat them both.

Best Pressure Cookers Not Made in China

Best Pressure Cookers Not Made in China

While China manufacturing has dominated electric pressure cookers, there are a lot of options for buying traditional ones from around the world.

Best Laundry Sheets Not Made in China

Best Laundry Sheets Not Made in China

Being somewhat of a luddite when it comes to laundry technology, I was perplexed when I saw a lot of people searching for “laundry sheets not made in China”. “Piece of cake,” I chuckled, knowing that Bounce dryer sheets are made in Canada, as are Gain dryer sheets. Downy and Snuggle are made in the

Best Inexpensive Mattress Not Made in China

Best Inexpensive Mattress Not Made in China

Think only $1500+ mattresses are not made in China? The good news is that there are plenty of options for affordable mattresses made in free countries like Indonesia and the USA.