What self-respecting American is still buying Nike?

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What self-respecting American is still buying Nike?

Post by NoToNike »

The CEO of Nike recently said that Nike "is a brand that is of China and for China". That statement alone should make every American's blood boil. It's a company that's funded by American consumers but which killed American manufacturing jobs to send them to cheap labor in China, in many cases in factories where conditions make the sweatshops of the USA in the late 19th century look like the Waldorf hotel. Nike and Apple joined forces to lobby against a bill in Congress that used prison (slave) labor, which especially given the US's own history should cause a visceral reaction in any true American.

They switched from celebrities that everyone loved like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods to celebrities that spout hatred of America.

And yet their stock price has increased 200% in 5 years and they're a $258 billion company. I honestly don't get it. Who is still buying Nike products? How is it that they're still growing and growing?

Re: What self-respecting American is still buying Nike?

Post by NikeNever »

It's sad, but most Americans don't think with their brains or their souls. They think that a $200 pair of sneakers will give their life meaning, because they've been brainwashed by companies like Nike that pour millions of dollars into celebrity endorsements and marketing propaganda.

We've all been brainwashed in the last 20 years to not read labels, while companies like Nike move their production from Oregon to China and slash their manufacturing costs while charging even more for their shoes.

I don't know if the USA will ever wake up--corporate executives who gave away all our manufacturing to China aren't about to admit they did anything wrong.

The USA is morally bankrupt. One hopes that countries like Australia, Canada, Taiwan, Great Britain, India, Lithuania will step up and take moral leadership here.

Re: What self-respecting American is still buying Nike?

Post by Elkmo »

Actually Nike deserves some respect for speaking out against CCP human rights abuses in Xinjiang including concentration camps and the use of slave labour.
The CCP-controlled media and internet in China led a serious backlash against Nike including boycotts, but Nike hasn't backed down.
That makes them more respectable than companies like Uniqlo, Asics, Fila and Intel that have publicly stated that they have no problem with what the CCP is doing in Xinjiang as long as it lets them make money. So I have no problem buying Nike products that aren't made in China.
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Re: What self-respecting American is still buying Nike?

Post by Cinyf »

Elkmo wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 11:58 pm Actually Nike deserves some respect for speaking out against CCP human rights abuses in Xinjiang including concentration camps and the use of slave labour.
The CCP-controlled media and internet in China led a serious backlash against Nike including boycotts, but Nike hasn't backed down.
That makes them more respectable than companies like Uniqlo, Asics, Fila and Intel that have publicly stated that they have no problem with what the CCP is doing in Xinjiang as long as it lets them make money. So I have no problem buying Nike products that aren't made in China.
Hi, do you mind adding a source to your claim regarding Nike speaking out against the CCP?
I'd like to use the source as a reference for further research.
Thank you.
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Re: What self-respecting American is still buying Nike?

Post by steve »

Here is Nike's official statement:


They're talking a very thin tightrope. On the one hand, many of their loyal customers in the US are progressives who take human rights abuses VERY seriously. On the other hand, they cannot offend the Communist Part of China. This carefully crafted response was their attempt to appease both sides.

I wouldn't necessarily characterize Nike's statement as "speaking out" against human rights abuses in Xinjiang, but remember in the world of the CCP everything is relative. It's not enough to maintain neutral. If you do not praise the CCP, repeat the CCPs assertion that zero human rights abuses are happening in Xinjiang, AND publicly humiliate anyone who states otherwise, then you are part of the problem and must be taught a lesson.

As Elkmo said, Nike's business in China did in fact crater in 2021. They released the statement which they clearly hoped would be anodyne, but that sparked a "grassroots" movement in China to cancel Nike (and of course, any "grassroots" movement in China today is just a modern-day version of Cultural Revolution-style denunciation rallies).

Despite Nike CEO groveling in June 2021 to try to convince China that they were a brand "of and for China", Nike's business cratered by 20% in 2021.

You can bet that the CCP will continue to fuel antagonism towards Nike, especially since 100% China-owned Anta Sports is positioning itself to replace Nike. The CCP is playing a long game here. It will continue to denigrate US culture and people to fuel China nationalism. At that point, American brands will be completely out of the picture (and China manufacturers will have learned and/or stolen enough intellectual property so that China consumers won't miss them).

So I tentatively agree with Elkmo--if there's a Nike product that's not made in China, maybe they do deserve our support. But don't be shocked if in a new months they stab us in the back again.
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