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Control the ads on the site
Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:59 pm
by seanaleo
First of all, I just want to say I appreciate the effort and dedication from this community. I definitely want to buy less products from China. I notice there is an ad on the site shows HBOMax series The Peacemaker starring John Cena. Personally, I don't have anything against him and all the entertainers, actors, politicians, athletics who apologize to the CCP and their people. However, this can send a wrong message for visitors to the site that you contradict your goal. Maybe the site should only show ads of companies and entities that have openly opposed CCP effort in condemning human rights. I know it's not an easy effort to control the ads shown on the site, hence this is merely a suggestion.

Re: Control the ads on the site
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:05 am
by steve
Thanks for the feedback, seanaleo!
I hear you--I actually am not as gracious towards sellouts like John Cena as you are. It was painful to watch as he gave his groveling apology in Mandarin for the thought crime of calling Taiwan a country. He had a choice to stand up for truth and against oppression, and instead he chose his personal wealth. It's sickening, and I personally refuse to watch anything he's in, not because I'm calling for boycott him, but because just seeing him on a screen is revolting.
That said, the ads on this site are actually generated dynamically by Google, so they're actually personalized based on your browsing history (and whatever other secret sauce Google uses). Unfortunately I don't have control over the ads as everyone sees different ones (for example, I'm seeing a Best Buy ad right now), but definitely raise any example of egregious and repeated ads you see that go against the message of this board, and I'll see if I can get them blocklisted as an advertiser.
Thanks again!