Kärcher moved production of steam cleaners to China

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Kärcher moved production of steam cleaners to China

Post by Paul »

I have noticed that the Kärcher steam cleaners, which until recently were produced in Germany, are now all made in China.
As far as I've seen this is the case with all SC models.

Previously there was "Made in Germany" on the box.
Now it says "Designed and engineered by Kärcher in Germany" and very small on the back "made in China".

Fighting a lonely battle... People, please stop buying Chinese crap!
Carsten Hoberg
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Re: Kärcher moved production of steam cleaners to China

Post by Carsten Hoberg »

Now that's so stupid! Years ago, some once-flourishing German toolmakers got bankrupt after they turned themselves into a
laughing stock by switching from professional quality to Chinese cheapo-stuff. Kärcher surely didn't learn from this.
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