Bottle Brush Not Made in China

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Bottle Brush Not Made in China

Post by steve »

One of those categories of products that seems like it's been completely lost of China is kitchen cleaning supplies. Once-trustworthy brands like OXO and Rubbermaid are all in on China. It's really a warning sign of what's to come. China's plan is to dominate the raw supply, then dominate the supply chain, then dominate all of manufacturing--at which point they call the shots--if they want to charge $100 for a spatula, we're paying them $100 for a spatula because idiot American brands have completely shut down their manufacturing and wiped away generations of manufacturing know-how.

My wife has recently put me on a mission to find a bottle brush. Heaven knows they are in demand now--as more and more people buy reusable plastic and metal bottles, more people need to clean them. And chillingly, among hundreds of options it took me hours and hours of research to find just ONE silicone or nylon brush not made in China.

Here are the ones I found:

1) Libman Bottle Brush


I was beyond ecstatic to find a brush made in the USA, and at a completely affordable price point. This Libman costs under $10, and is sturdy and strong. It's my favorite bottle brush, but not my wife's, who wanted something much more gentle that wouldn't scratch.

2) Redecker Horsehair and Beechwood Bottle Brush


My search next brought me to Germany. After hours of searching, I stumbled upon the Redecker brand from Germany, which made these horsehair brushes. Being an American raised on synthetic fibers and processed foods, I questioned how sanitary this would be, despite the fact that horsehair has been used since 1935 by Redecker and centuries before that. I love the sturdy wooden handle, but I'm not sure if my wife is ready yet to wash her bottles with horsehair.

3) Innobaby 2-in-1 Silicone Bottle Brush, Green


This is where I had somewhat of an epiphany. Who uses bottles? Babies use bottles!

I've already done reviews on baby products, and thanks to American, European, and Japanese moms who are willing to pay more for their baby's safety, the baby products industry has been SOMEWHAT protected--the CCP helped this by looking the other way as long as they could while China baby food makers in 2008 were selling baby food laced with melamine in order for them to cheat on nutritional tests (inspired no doubt by their practice of putting melamine in pet food in 2007).

But sadly, American and European brands counted on consumers having a short attention span, and sure enough baby brands like Chicco, Munchkin and Dr. Brown have returned to China to make their products as soon as they realized that consumers forgot. But Innobaby is one of the brands that stuck to its guns and continues to manufacture out of South Korea. Good for them.

4) MOTHER-K Rotating Silicone Bottle Brush


Now that I knew that South Korea was a source for manufacturing, I did a little more Googling and found this from a brand called MOTHER-K, which at first seemed suspicious but just a little more Googling helped me realize that yes, they are an established brand in Korea dating back almost 11 years. It is criminal that such a renowned brand doesn't even show up on an Amazon search for "baby bottle brush" while nonsense China brands like HOLIKME and TEKOX literally litter their pages. If consumers KNEW that they could pay $2 more for a FAR SUPERIOR product and 50% of their purchase would NOT go to fund the CCP, how many of your fellow consumers do you think would make that decision? But Amazon literally hides this information.

I ended up going with MOTHER-K, although all the others are find choices too. It's sad that it took me hours to look up alternatives for a $10 bottle brush--and I know that most people don't have the time to do this. I'm hoping at the very least that THIS post can rank on Google in a way that Amazon refuses to rank deserving products (it'll help if you can link to it if you have a blog or social media account).
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Re: Bottle Brush Not Made in China

Post by Paul »

Super! Always nice to have results after spending a few hours in your search!

Don't forget about Vikan, they have a bottle brush as well.

Made in Denmark ... ttle-brush
Fighting a lonely battle... People, please stop buying Chinese crap!
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Re: Bottle Brush Not Made in China

Post by steve »

Thanks as always for your recommendations, Paul! What I find astounding is that I spent hours searching on Amazon (and I consider myself a "power user" there) and Vikan did not even show up once, even though they have a big selection of all kinds of brushes.

This is a good example of China companies completely gaming the system so that a fake brand with enough fake reviews can easily outweigh an established brand like Vikan which has a pretty good distribution system in the US.

Amazon is only shooting themselves in the foot here. As more people buy cheap products from China that fail, that will ultimately hurt Amazon's reputation. Anyone who thinks Amazon is invincible need only look at their stock price in the last month. They are very much showing their weakness, and a smart company can easily compete with them if they disrupt them as they disrupted others.

While I already bought the MOTHER-K brush, if my wife doesn't like that, this one will be the next on my shopping list.
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Re: Bottle Brush Not Made in China

Post by InGodWeTrust77! »

Thank you. It seems like everything is made from China and other manufacturers are being deliberately obscured. You can’t even find out where some things are made - because they’re probably from China too!

Got the Libyan brush, thanks to you.

Thanks for creating this site.
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